Highgrove Home for Children
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Faith Williams

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Faith Williams Empty Faith Williams

Post  Faith Williams Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:40 am

Faith Williams Resapp
Written Interview

Faith Williams Ehf5o9
This photograph was taken prior to Faith's facial scarring.

    Resident Full Name: Faith Williams
    Resident Date of Birth: 29.07.1996
    Resident Age: Fifteen
    Resident Gender: Female
    Current Address: Hillsview House, 11 Howard Road
    City/Town: Seer Green
    County/State: Buckinghamshire
    Country: England

    Resident Hair Colour: Blonde
    Resident Eye Colour: Blue
    Resident Height: 5"7
    Resident Weight: 124lbs
    Distinguishing Marks: A long, obvious scar from her right cheekbone to her chin. Heavy scarring on both thighs.

Spoken Interview With Highgrove Representative

Representative: Thank you for meeting with me today. We will now begin the recorded interview. I will ask you a series of standard questions. Please try to answer them to the best of your ability. So, firstly, how are you feeling today?

Resident: Patient Observation: Patient laughs.
What's that metaphor thing? Anagram...whatever. I'm fine, F, I, N, E. Fucked-up, Insecure, Neurotic and...oh, I forgot the last one. Emotional? Whatever. No, I'm actually not too bad today. Thanks. You?

Representative: And what circumstances have led you to apply for residency at the Highgrove Home for Children?

Resident: My shrink told me and Hillsview, the home I'm in now, about it, and it seemed right, 'cause... well, first, the place I'm at at the moment said that they basically didn't want me around anymore. And they told my psychiatrist that, and I told her that I didn't want to stay there anymore, 'cause they're basically making me spend all my time alone in my room. And I'm sick of it, and...well, everyone thinks it would be best if I could get 'a change of scenery' and a place that's a little more helpful to kids with 'issues'. Anyway, my shrink gave us the name of this place, and my social worker and I thought...hmm, why not give it a try?

Representative: Do you have any medical conditions we should be aware of? If so, please explain.

Resident: Uh, don't think so.

Representative: Have you ever been diagnosed with a psychiatric illness? If yes, have you ever been hospitalized or sent to a special care facility for these illnesses?

Resident: Patient Observation: Patient appears slightly agitated. Crosses and uncrosses legs before answering, begins to play with hair.
Well, I don't know if it counts, but I was...y'know, I used to, hurt myself, I guess. I suppose I still do. I was told I've...yeah, got that, hurting myself, and post-traumatic stress disorder. I was put in the psych ward for that for a while, and then I got a bit better... They put me in for about two months 'cause they found out I was cutting, at Hillsview, about three months ago. Because I cut my face in the main room and everybody noticed... And then everyone freaked out and I had to see a shrink and I'm not allowed to go in the kitchen anymore. Like I couldn't just buy razor blades if I wanted. Wait, forget I said that. I'm a bit better now. I only do it, hurt myself, maybe once a week, and it used to be a lot more. And I don't get flashbacks as often. It used to be so bad I wouldn't talk to guys, and I used to get these...they weren't hallucinations, but it would feel like all the bad stuff was happening to me again. But that's really rare now. Yeah, that's from the PTSD stuff. They said I got that from when my parents died, when I went to live with my uncle, and he...well, he was abusive. I guess.
Patient Observation: Appears very agitated, drumming fingers on lap and biting lip. Refuses to make eye-contact, seems eager to move on.

Representative: How does your current state of mind affect your day to day life? Are there any incidences of note which you feel are a direct result of your state of mind, such as suicide attempts, arrests, hospitalizations, et cetera?

Resident: Um...I guess it’s kinda negative? I’ve never tried to kill myself or nothing, but I have you know, hurt myself. And I was in hospital for that. The psych bit, I only needed a few stitches. They were pretty good, giving me a tonne of therapy and a couple tonnes of pills. Something to make me relax when I got all agitated, or had a flashback. I have no idea what it was called, but I love it. Aside from the pills though, generally, it's just like...living day to day is hard, you know? Sometimes I just feel too damn much. I just want to hurt myself. And I hate always thinking about the past, and bad stuff that's happened to me. It's just...too much, sometimes.

Representative: have you ever harmed yourself, others, or animals? If yes, please explain.

Resident: Just myself. It’s awkward to talk about... I cut myself for the first time when I was about thirteen. Secretly, not my wrists or anything... Just, here, you know...
Patient Observation: Patient makes vague gesture at thighs.
And then I kept doing it. My legs, mostly. Just where nobody would see. And I only did it once or twice a week for a while, but then, around when I turned fourteen, it just slowly got a lot worse. And I was having to explain away blood on my sheets and everything all the time, and it was so stressful I’d do it more... I always had a razor blade on me, just in case I needed to. And then in the main room –where we’d all hang out to watch TV and read- a load of guys came in and were being loud and shouting and pushing each other around. In a joking way, it's not like they were fighting, but it made me feel... Well. So I turned away from all of them and got out my razor from my bag, sorta just facing into the corner, and cut a big line down my face. From here, to here.
Patient Observation: Strokes facial scar, which extends from right upper cheek to chin.
And then I realized how stupid I’d been, because everyone would see the blood, and I just started crying. It’s like I’d just snapped, though. I guess I wanted someone to find out. And then somebody saw, obviously, and there was a huge freak-out, and I ended up being taken to hospital and getting stitches and everything...
Patient Observation: Sighs. Patient appears more relaxed than previously.
When I came back, I was seeing a psychiatrist twice a week, but everyone still treats me like a nutcase. And I am trying to get better, I am, it’s just sometimes hard. And I cut myself still, when I get the chance and I feel sad enough... It’s not that hard to do it, really. I mean, I’ve bitten myself before, when I felt really desperate. Sometimes, I just can’t deal...
Patient Observation: Patient shrugs, and does not seem inclined to keep talking.

Representative: We understand you are having trouble at your current place of residence. Could you please describe the problems you are having, and the results or repercussions that have come about because of them?

Resident: Well... Everyone pretty much hates me and thinks that I’m a freak, now. Not that they didn't before. The staff members try to keep me in my room, only letting me out for meals and the bathroom. It’s not like my door is locked...they just tell me that I’m a danger to myself if I’m wandering around the halls, and that I need to be kept in a secure area, or some bullshit. I don't think I have to stay in there, legally, but it's better than being stared at and having the others whisper behind my back. That's why I can't go to school anymore, they think I'm gonna cut myself in the food tech room or something. Basically, everybody, staff and kids, ignore me or stare at me. Especially because of my scar. I’m not making sense, am I?

Representative: What five words would you use to best describe yourself?

Resident: Patient Observation: Laughs.
As I said earlier... Fucked Up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional, I guess. I’m not normal, I know that.

Representative: Do you have many friends? Could you describe your relationships and where you met these friends?

Resident: Many friends? Try any friends. And no, don’t think so. I only really spend time with the kids in Hillsview with me, and the ones at my school... And recently, I haven’t been going to school. I’ve had this tutor come in twice a week –there’s too many sharp things at school, apparently- but I wouldn’t count someone over the age of thirty, who is being paid to hang out with me, a friend. So that rules out all the staff members. And then the other kids... Even before they all saw me with blood running down my face they didn’t spend much time with me, due to the fact that I wouldn't hang out in a group of kids if there were any guys there, and had the occasional flashback, which involved bursting into tears and curling up in a ball. Apparently, that's kinda weird.
Patient Observation: Laughs.
I don’t give a crap, though. I can deal with being alone.

Representative: How would you describe your relationship with your biological family? Did you spend much time with them? Do you have any siblings?

Resident: Oh, Jesus. I was wondering when we’d get to this... No time with them. They both died in a car crash when I was nine, driving me home from school. We were going to go to the fair that night, actually. But we had a head-on accident with a lorry and...well. That’s the end of that. I was sitting in the back, in one of those booster seats, 'cause I was tiny back then, and I just got a broken arm... Only child. I have an uncle on my dad’s side and a grandma on my mum’s side, but... Well, I went to live with my uncle for a bit, but it didn’t work out to well. And my grandmother is really old and kinda ill... Social workers didn’t think she could deal with a kid. So, they put me in Hillsview, where I’ve been ever since.
Patient Observation: Patient has avoided mentioning prior history of sexual abuse by aforementioned uncle. As her records shows, she usually avoids bringing it up, only mentioning it if asked directly what happened, and showing extreme reluctance even then.

Representative: Are you sexually active? If yes, are you aware of any sexual preferences regarding gender or situation?

Resident: No, I’m not. I don’t know. Straight? I don’t really want to have sex or a boyfriend or whatever, so I don’t care about it.
Patient Observation: Patient appears to be very uncomfortable. Raises voice towards end.

Representative: Where did you grow up, and what was it like there? How do you feel about where you grew up?

Resident: I’ve always lived in Buckinghamshire. When I lived with my parents, we were in High Wycombe... It was great. I loved it. My school was great, my family was great, my neighbor was my best friend... And then my parents died and I moved to Hillsview and started at a new and shitty school and realized how crappy everything in my life was. So, it was great, until they died.

Representative: How is school? What are your grades like, and do you enjoy it? Do you participate in any after-school activities?

Resident: I stopped going to school when I got out the psych ward. I'd missed a lot of work, I had a tendency to bunk off anyway, due to the fact that I hated being surrounded by hundreds of intimidating guys, and they didn't think it was too healthy for me to attend, given the size of the place. A few thousand pupils, maybe a hundred teachers... Who was going to stop me sneaking off and cutting my wrists with a knife I'd bought on the way there or stolen from the food tech room? That was the place I was most likely to do it, I hated that hellhole... No after-school activities. I was in and out as quickly as I could go. I suppose it's better now I've left. Basically, I'm being kept at Hillsview now, with this crazy old woman coming in twice a week to teach me. She just does basic subjects, and I don't really get great grades. I think a B was my highest, and that was on a creative writing English paper.

Representative: What do you hope to find at the Highgrove Home, and how do you feel about potentially becoming a resident there?

Resident: I suppose... I'd like to find some friends there. I know, I know, weird. But I'm sick of everyone treating me like a freak. I'd like to start over at a new place, maybe covering my scar with make-up so they don't judge me... Just being somewhere new. That's what I want. I can't stand it in this shithole anymore. And maybe I'd like to you know, quit the self-harm and all. Stop remembering bad stuff entirely. That'd be nice.
Patient Observations: Patient appears embarrassed, staring down at floor.

Representative: Lastly, how do you feel about what you have done so far with you life, looking back on it. If you have done unacceptable things, how do you now feel about those?

Resident: I don't think I've done much good. Got my parents killed, got my uncle thrown in jail, fucked up my face for the rest of my life... It's not like I've done anything positive, like curing puppies with cancer or shit like that. I think I've wasted my life, so...yeah, I don't feel too great about it. There's a lot I should have done differently. Hindsight is a bitch.

Out Of Character Section

Is there anything your character isn't telling us? Do you have more information to add about your character that they would not tell the representative about? Please explain below:

Faith hasn't elaborated upon her sexual abuse in the interview, but it is all on her file; she stayed with her uncle for two weeks after her parents death. During this time, he began increasingly sexual towards her, starting with watching pornography whilst she was in the same room, then touching her sexually, and finally raping her. Two days after the rape, when her social worker came for an inspection, Faith told her about what had happened and moved to Hillsview House. Her uncle was not sent to jail, as there was not enough evidence and Faith refused to testify.

Character Playby: Elle Fanning
Player Nickname: Cabby
Chatango Username: CrazyCabbage
Preferred Chore Assignment Group: Livestock chores
Faith Williams
Faith Williams

Posts : 88
$RP Reward Points : 60
Join date : 2011-12-10
Age : 27

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Faith Williams Empty Re: Faith Williams

Post  Nebby Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:06 pm

Faith Williams Approved
Resident Information & Assignments

    Resident Full Name: Faith Williams
    Resident Age: Fifteen
    Resident Gender: Female
    Known Diagnoses: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Deliberate Self Harm

    Dormitory Number: 04
    Bunk Number: 02 Bottom
    Assigned Chores Group: Livestock Chores
    Assigned Therapist: Dr. Sybil Penhurst

Final Approval Steps

Before you begin posting, please be certain that you have completed the last approval steps below. Failure to complete these last steps will result in the deletion of your character during the next activity check.


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Faith Williams Empty Re: Faith Williams

Post  Dr. Gunner Bjorgen Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:07 am

Therapy Report
Faith Williams Branch

    Resident Name: Faith Williams
    Therapist Name: Gunner Bjorgen
    Patient Observations: Evasive body language from the beginning, followed by fidetting which stoped upon request.
    Therapy Report: When questioned as to why she was at Highgrove, she answered with a flippant, off-hand joke about "frolicking with razor blades" eliciting a number of varied reactions from other members of the group, including amusement and discomfort. When asked why she found such a subject amusing, she implicated Ace Finn in a joking conversation reportedly had with a number of other residents, about suicide. Elias Ortega appeared to show amusement at the comment, possibly implicating him also.
    Notes: Recommend that relationships with other residents be closely monitored, and the issue of the conversation be addressed with a therapist.

Dr. Gunner Bjorgen
Dr. Gunner Bjorgen

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Faith Williams Empty Re: Faith Williams

Post  Dr. Maxwell Rose Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:29 pm

Therapist Change
Faith Williams Branch

    Resident Name:Faith Williams
    Reporting Staff Name: Dr. Maxwell Rose
    Notes: Patient's therapist has been changed from Dr. Sybil Penhurst to me, Dr. Maxwell Rose.

Dr. Maxwell Rose
Dr. Maxwell Rose

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Faith Williams Empty Re: Faith Williams

Post  Aidan-Jeffrey Corrigan Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:58 pm

Behavioural Report
Faith Williams Branch

    Resident Name: Faith Williams
    Reporting Staff Name: Aidan-Jeffrey Corrigan
    Behavioural Observation: Faith and Elias Ortega were caught near one of the prohibited areas after another resident reported sounds of someone screaming.
    Measures Taken:(thread still on-going)

Aidan-Jeffrey Corrigan
Aidan-Jeffrey Corrigan

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Faith Williams Empty Re: Faith Williams

Post  Dr. Gunner Bjorgen Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:04 pm

Communications Report
Faith Williams Branch

    Resident Name: Faith Williams
    Reporting Staff Name: Dr. Gunner Bjorgen
    Notes: A letter was sent to me regarding the status of Ms. Williams' assigned therapist, requesting that she be moved to my roster following the events of the power outage at the beginning of the year. Rather than yield to the request, I am forwarding the message to her assigned therapist, Dr. N. Zvarich. I do not believe that giving in to resident requests will foster the appropriate respect for Highgrove staff, and will serve instead to undermine the authority of all staff members. Enclosed is the original message:

    Faith Williams wrote:
    Hi, Doctor.
    Williams, Faith here. I was just writing a note to see if I could possibly switch therapists. I've never really spent much time with Dr. Svarich, but I've had one group session with you. Would it be possible to switch over so I'd be seeing you for future sessions, rather then her? I'm sure she's nice and all, but I guess I like you better, because you were super nice in the blackout. It's cool if I can't, though.
    Thanks a lot. You're a cool guy. Not like the shitty shrink I had to see before here.
    P.S. Also, I think my roommate is planning on killing me. I know the answer is no, but if the chance for a change comes up... It might save a life. Isn't that in your hippocritic oath or whatever? Just a thought.

Dr. Gunner Bjorgen
Dr. Gunner Bjorgen

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Faith Williams Empty Re: Faith Williams

Post  Dr. Gunner Bjorgen Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:37 am

Therapy Report
Faith Williams Branch

    Resident Name: Faith Williams
    Therapist Name: Dr. Gunner Bjorgen
    Patient Observations: Miss Williams was anxious upon the arrival of the other residents, all male. Miss. Williams curled up on her chair and was requested to sit properly, a demand with which she complied quickly. her mannerisms were anxious throughout the therapy session, becoming more notably so when questions for which she had no time to rehearse an answer were posed to her.
    Therapy Report: Ms. Williams, upon being asked to introduce herself and state one thing she misses from before admission to Highgrove, answered that she misses being able to do what she wants. Her answer to the question of the definition of relationships was rehearsed and reflected little actual belief in what she was saying. She recited that a relationship is where people love, respect and care for one another. Her answer on the definition of love was likewise pre-rehearsed, and she answered that love is when people care about one another, respect one another and protect one another. Hoping to catch her off guard, I followed up by asking her who or what she believes she loves. Here she seemed to stumble and her anxiety was more notable. She answered that she loves her parents, and when asked to elaborate on how she knows this is love and what feelings she associates with it, she managed to reply that she misses them a lot. Later in the session, Ms. Williams interrupted the group by making a side comment to Mr. Wenceslaus on his definition of love, remarking that he doesn't belong anywhere, disputing his claim that love is a sense of belonging. She was reprimanded by being required to recite back the rules from the beginning of the session, regarding side comments and respect. She promptly apologised to Mr. Wenceslaus.
    Notes: Individual therapy should be centered around getting to Miss Williams own real thoughts and feelings. I recommend quick sessions with varied topics, to keep her from rehearsing her answers and to push her out of her comfort zone until some real progress can be made. Else, addressing the rehearsed answers head-on should be considered in an aim to defuse the behaviour.

Dr. Gunner Bjorgen
Dr. Gunner Bjorgen

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Faith Williams Empty Re: Faith Williams

Post  Dr. Maxwell Rose Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:45 pm

Dormitory Reassignment
Faith Williams Branch

    Resident Name: Faith Williams
    Previous Dormitory: Dormitory 04
    New Dormitory: N/A
    Assigned Bunk: 01 Top

Dr. Maxwell Rose
Dr. Maxwell Rose

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